What is the ratio of staff present to attend to the residents everyday does it vary with day and night shifts?
Yes it is variable. But it will be as per requirement. Average 1(Staff): 3(Residents).
Besides doctor and nurse visiting Parijnan Chaya once every week, will PC be able to provide Physicians, Specialists, Counselors and Psychiatrists for residents in need of their help?
Yes, medicines and investigation charges to be paid by residents.
What are the expectations and assistance if any provided to elders with respect to managing their cash/banking/finances?
Incase residents are not familiar with net banking then they can open an account with HDFC Bank, which is close by. The Manager has agreed to make home service available including cash delivery.
Could you describe the expected daily routine? Is there a structure to the day to day life to keep folks engaged and occupied?
Morning Tea ( 6.30 AM to 7.30 AM ) Breakfast ( 8 AM to 9 AM) Lunch ( 1 PM to 2 PM ) Evening Tea ( 4.30 PM to 5.30 PM ) Dinner ( 8 PM to 9 PM ) Reading Room / Internet Cafe ( 7 AM to 9 PM) Addition to this […]